%0 Journal Article %T Study of Variations in Urban and Hydrological Components in Process of Urbanization %A Sheetal Sharma %A Alka Bharat %A Vinay M. Das %J International Journal of Engineering Research %V 2 %N 3 %P 203-207 %D 2014 %I IJER %X In natural, undeveloped areas, a large percentage of relatively uncontaminated precipitation infiltrates the ground, thus recharging the ground water; the remaining runoff flows to nearby water bodies or evaporates. Development alters natural systems as vegetation and open spaces are replaced with new areas of impervious surfaces such as roads, parking lots, roofs, and turf, which greatly reduce infiltration and thus ground water recharge. Uncontrolled stormwater runoff develops into Floods , even in normal intensity of rainfall causing loss of water recharge levels. The main carriers of water that is the natural Drainages ar either blocked completely of partially or forced to change their direction, in the process of Urbanization. %K Geology %K Drainage %K Runof %K Soil %U http://www.ijer.in/ijer/publication/v2s3/IJER_2013_305.pdf