%0 Journal Article %T The Relationship between ManagersĄŻ Power Sources and WorkersĄŻ Organizational Commitment of Registration Offices of Northern Khorasan- Iran %A Morteza Pourjafar Devin %A Prof. G.V. Bhavani Prasad %A Hadi Saeidi %J International Journal of Engineering Research %V 3 %N 6 %P 413-417 %D 2014 %I IJER %X Abstract: The role registration offices play in identification is so important that can affect on success of other organizations and institutions of a society. Human force and management of human force is one of factors affecting greatly on viability and efficiency and effectiveness of organizations. Organizations having faithful and attached workers who consider the goal of organization as their own goal, satisfy internally by reaching to that goal, donĄŻt tend to leave their organization and defend from organization interests out of organization may have more efficiency with the least costs. In such organization, the role played by managers and power sources they use in order to obtain the most efficiency from workers is of high importance. In the present paper, power sources used by managers of registration offices in Northern Khorasan are studied and their effect on workersĄŻ organizational commitment is measured in 95% level. The final result indicates that there is a significant relationship between different power sources of managers and workersĄŻ organizational commitment. %K managerĄŻs power %K Canonical power %K Force Power %K Reward Power %U http://www.ijer.in/ijer/publication/v3s6/IJER_2014_610.pdf