%0 Journal Article %T Hermite Wavelet Method for Fractional Delay Differential Equations %A Umer Saeed %A Mujeeb ur Rehman %J Journal of Difference Equations %D 2014 %R 10.1155/2014/359093 %X We proposed a method by utilizing method of steps and Hermite wavelet method, for solving the fractional delay differential equations. This technique first converts the fractional delay differential equation to a fractional nondelay differential equation and then applies the Hermite wavelet method on the obtained fractional nondelay differential equation to find the solution. Several numerical examples are solved to show the applicability of the proposed method. 1. Introduction The future state of a physical system depends not only on the present state but also on its past history. Functional differential equations provide a mathematical model for such physical systems in which the rate of change of the system may depend on the influence of its hereditary effects. Delay differential equations have numerous applications in mathematical modeling [1], for example, physiological and pharmaceutical kinetics, chemical kinetics, the navigational control of ships and aircrafts, population dynamics, and infectious diseases. Delay differential equation is a generalization of the ordinary differential equation, which is suitable for physical system that also depends on the past data. During the last decade, several papers have been devoted to the study of the numerical solution of delay differential equations. Therefore different numerical methods [2¨C7] have been developed and applied for providing approximate solutions. Method of steps is easy to understand and implement. In the method of steps [8], we convert the delay differential equation to a nondelay differential equation. The method of steps is utilized in [9] for solving integer order delay differential equations. Hermite wavelet method [10] is implemented for finding the numerical solution of the boundary value problems and compares the obtained solutions with exact solution. In [11], authors utilized the physicists Hermite wavelet method for solving linear singular differential equations. According to our information, Hermite wavelet method has not been implemented for delay differential equations. In the present work, we established a technique by combining both the method of steps and the Hermite wavelets method for solving the fractional delay differential equation. We also implemented the Hermite wavelet method for solving fractional delay differential equation, as described in Example 6, which was not implemented before. Shifted Chebyshev nodes are used as the collocation points. Comparison of solutions by these two methods, proposed method and Hermite wavelet method, with each other and with exact %U http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jde/2014/359093/