%0 Journal Article %T Features of Glucose Metabolism in Pleomorphic Hyalinizing Angiectatic Tumor (PHAT) %A Po-Jui Chang %A Cher-Wei Liang %A Ching-Huei Kung %A Ching-Shui Huang %A Chung-Huei Hsu %J Advances in Molecular Imaging %P 11-13 %@ 2161-6752 %D 2014 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ami.2014.41002 %X

Pleomorphic Hyalinizing Angiectatic Tumor (PHAT) is a rare mesenchymal neoplasma. It is a pathological term describing a heterogeneous group of neoplasms of undetermined tumorigenesis and undefined malignancy. Based only on the morphological findings of histopathology, the biological potential of the tumor is indeterminate. Determination of glucose metabolism using FDG-PET revealed mildly increased FDG uptake in the tumor. We propose that FDG accumulation in the ectatic vessel, increased uptake of the pleomorphic cells and/or associated inflammatory cells, and increased permeability of the stroma lead to the imaging feature.

%K PHAT %K FDG-PET %K Sarcoma %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=42310