%0 Journal Article %T A Simple Explanation of the Information Paradox by the Information Model of a Black Hole %A Igor Gurevich %J Open Journal of Microphysics %P 21-25 %@ 2162-2469 %D 2014 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojm.2014.43004 %X
The information paradox first surfaced in the early 1970s when Stephen Hawking of Cambridge University suggested that black holes are not totally black. Hawking showed that particle-antiparticle pairs generated at the event horizon¡ªthe outer periphery of a black hole¡ªwould be separated. One particle would fall into the black hole while the other would escape, making the black hole a radiating body. Characteristics of the emission and absorption of usual substance by a black hole can be described by information models. Estimation of the volume of information in black holes is necessary for generation of restrictions for their formation, development and interconversion. Information is an integral part of the Universe. By its physical essence information is heterogeneity of matter and energy. Therefore information is inseparably connected with matter and energy. An information approach along with a physical one allows to obtain new, sometimes more general data in relation to data obtained on the ground of physical rules only. The author¡¯s works, testify about the practicality of information laws usage simultaneously with physical rules for cognition of the Universe. The results presented in this paper show the effectiveness of informational approach for studying the black holes. The article discusses the following questions: The volume of information in the black hole; Information model of a black hole; Characteristics of the emission and absorption of usual substance by a black hole describes the information model of a black hole; The information paradox; A simple explanation of the information paradox by the information model of a black hole.
%K Black Hole %K Usual Substance %K Information %K Models %K Volume %K Universe %K Paradox %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=49079