%0 Journal Article %T Corrigendum to Co-receptor CD8-mediated modulation of T-cell receptor functional sensitivity and epitope recognition degeneracy %A Hugo A. Van Den Berg %J Frontiers in Immunology %D 2014 %I Frontiers Media %R 10.3389/fimmu.2014.00443 %X It has been kindly pointed out to us by Dr. Omer Dushek of Oxford University that the thermodynamic constraints (arising from the principle of detailed balance) impose the following condition on the parameters: ¦Í = ¦Ãkin¦Ä (1) which means that the parameter ¦Í is fixed once ¦Ãkin and ¦Ä have each been assigned a value. The objec- tive of the paper was to exhibit the range of qualitative behaviours that is possible when pMHCI/CD8 kinetics interacts with TCR/pMHCI kinetics and to show how varying levels of the co-receptor at the T-cell surface may be able to modulate the functional sensitivity of the T-cell to various ligands in a dif- ferential fashion. These qualitative phenomena remain very much the same when we choose parameter values that respect the constraint ¦Í = ¦Ãkin¦Ä, as shown in the corrected figures that follow below. It is these qualitative patterns that are currently guiding experimental research to elucidate CD8-mediated ligand focussing in the T-cell system. The main thrust of the paper is therefore unaltered. The kinetic scheme (Figure 1) and the equations are all unaltered, except for a typographical error in the subscript of a quantity appearing in one of the equations. Specifically, eqn (23) in the published text should read: W = MR¦Ë£¿1P0 + MXR¦Ë£¿4P£¿0 . (2) We apologise profusely for any inconvenience our oversight may have caused. %K Corrigendum %K T cell %K T cell receptor (TCR) %K T cell repertoire %K T cell response %U http://www.frontiersin.org/Journal/10.3389/fimmu.2014.00443/full