%0 Journal Article %T Design and Molecular Docking Study of Antimycin A<sub>3</sub> Analogues as Inhibitors of Anti-Apoptotic Bcl-2 of Breast Cancer %A Ade Arsianti %A   Fadilah %A   Kusmardi %A Hiroki Tanimoto %A Tsumoru Morimoto %A Kiyomi Kakiuchi %J Open Journal of Medicinal Chemistry %P 79-86 %@ 2164-313X %D 2014 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojmc.2014.43006 %X In this paper, we report the design and moleculardocking study of analogues of antimycin A3 as inhibitors of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 of breast cancer. Twenty designed compounds and the original antimycin A3 were docked based on their interaction with breast tumor receptor binding target Bcl-2. The docking resulted in the five top-ranked compounds, namely, compounds 11, 14, 15, 16, and 20, which have a lower \"\"G binding energy, better affinity and stronger hydrogen bonding interactions to the active site of Bcl-2 than antimycin A3. Among those five top-ranked compounds, analogue compounds 11 and 14, which have an 18-membered tetralactone core and 18-membered tetraol core, respectively, exhibited the strongest hydrogen bond interaction, formed high stability conformation, and demonstrated the greatest inhibitory activity on the catalytic site of Bcl-2. %K Design %K Docking %K Antimycin A< %K sub> %K 3< %K /sub> %K Analogue %K Bcl-2 %K Breast Cancer %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=49948