%0 Journal Article %T 领导者愿景驱动下的承诺型组织的形成及其成长研究
A Study on the Formation and Growth of the Leader Vision-Driven Commitment Organization %A 王娜 %J Emergence and Transfer of Wealth %P 13-16 %@ 2165-6398 %D 2013 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ETW.2013.32003 %X
领导者的愿景直接影响着企业组织行为变革的方向和范围。领导者愿景能否被有效引导、认可、接受,这主要取决于企业的价值观是否与员工的价值观产生共鸣。本文通过分析明确了企业领导者愿景的实现过程是一个凝聚人心、形成合力的过程,将自己的心智模式转换成企业的组织行为,把个人愿景转换为企业的共同愿景,由此形成企业成长的内生基础。<br/>The vision of the leader has a direct impact on the direction and scope of the enterprise organizational behavior change. Whether the leader vision can be effectively conducted, recognized and accepted depends primarily on whether the values of the enterprise and the employee’s values are in consistence. Through the research, we can conclude the realization of the vision is a process for cohering public feeling.On its way, the mental models of organization members convert to enterprise organizational behavior and the personal vision converts to the shared vision. Finally, these will be helpful to realize the sustainable development of enterprises.
%K 领导者愿景;共同愿景;承诺型组织;形成;成长
Leader Vision %K The Shared Vision %K The Committed Organization %K Formation %K Growth %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=11873