%0 Journal Article
%T 软腭缺损的修复再造技术
The Reconstruction of Soft Palate Defects
%A 史春生
%A 王强
%A 孙岩
%A 张庆泉
%J Asian Case Reports in Otolaryngology
%P 7-12
%@ 2328-0468
%D 2013
%I Hans Publishing
%R 10.12677/ACRO.2013.12003
%X 软腭缺损后引起的畸形与功能障碍非常显著,国内外专家学者对软腭缺损的做了临床修复的研究,本文汇总了不同组织瓣修复方法的优点和不足,以供临床医生在工作中参考。
The soft palate defects can lead to significant deformity and dysfunction, scholars from China and abroad have made a lot of research about clinical reconstruction of soft palate defects. We summarize the advantages and dis-advantages of the different tissue flaps applied in the reconstruction, to help surgeons in their work.
%K 软腭;缺损;修复;组织瓣
Soft Palate
%K Defect
%K Reconstruction
%K Tissue Flap
%U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=12008