%0 Journal Article %T 鱼类人工雌核发育的研究进展
Progress on Artificially Induced Gynogenesis Research of Fishes %A 杜民 %A 牛宝珍 %A 刘艳红 %J Asian Case Reports in Genetics %P 7-13 %@ 2328-0425 %D 2013 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ACRG.2013.12002 %X
On the one hand, there is a significant value of fish sex control to production of aquaculture; on the other hand, it provides a basis to explicit the mechanism of fish sex differentiation and sex determination. In briefly, the paper introduces methods of fish sex-control, progress and future research direction of study on molecular markers concern fish sex control and several molecular markers of gynogenesis.
%K 鱼类;性别控制;人工雌核发育
Fishes %K Sex-Control %K Artificial Gynogenesis %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=9828