%0 Journal Article %T 虚拟基线的相位跳变及校正
Phase Jump of Virtual Baseline as Well as Correction %A 郁涛 %J Journal of Antennas %P 7-11 %@ 2325-2243 %D 2013 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JA.2013.21002 %X


While the virtual short baseline is constructed by using the ratio subtraction in contrary terminal for adjacent two baselines, the differential of wavelength integer is not to zero in some arrival angle direction and but there is a jump. At the same time, there is also jump problem while using the DF result of virtual short baseline without phase ambiguity solves the phase ambiguity valuation of long baseline. The analysis in this paper shows that the emendation can be realized by distinguishing for the sinusoidal valuation of arrival angle. Also, the modifying factor is namely the proportional factor of differential between two baselines. Finally, applying the accurate DF formula explains in theory that higher accuracy of DF can be obtained by using two baselines arrays after revising without considering the phase error.


%K 虚拟基线;相位跳变;相位干涉仪;相位模糊
Virtual Baseline %K Phase Jump %K Phase Interferometer %K Phase Ambiguity %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=9696