%0 Journal Article %T 11~40MΘ前新星模型下的II型超新星爆发能研究
Research on Explosion Energy of Type II-Supernova in 11~40MΘ Progenitor Stars Model %A 夏雄平 %J Astronomy and Astrophysics %P 14-19 %@ 2329-1265 %D 2013 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AAS.2013.12003 %X
本文通过采用四种爆发能的定义,修正了LLPR模型中与爆发能相关的状态方程和II型超新星爆发的模拟程序WLYW-89,模拟了最近修正的主序质量在\"\"(\"\":太阳质量)前新星模型数据下的II型超新星的爆发。根据不同壳层下离散的爆发能和随时间变化的爆发能特征,同时对比实验观测的数据。研究结果显示,在四种不同的爆发能定义中,定义\"\"是比较符合当前前新星的模型数据,特别是对于中小质量\"\"的前新星,模拟结果与实验结果符合比较好。它主要体现在其定义从能量观点进行定义,其激波速度符合实验观测数据,并能缩小理论与实验观测结果的差距。<br/>In the paper, we apply four various definitions of explosion energy, based on modified the state equation in LLPR model and the II supernova explosion code “WLYW-89”, to research explosion energy of type II-supernova in new progenitor stars model of the main-sequence mass \"\" (\"\": the sun mass). Apply the results of the discrete explosion energy in various mass cell and explosive energy with time, and compare with theoretical and observation results, we find that, in four various definitions of explosion energy, the %K 前新星;爆发能;II型超新星
Progenitor Stars %K Explosion Energy %K Type II-Supernova %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=9809