%0 Journal Article %T 移动厂商围绕专利的进攻和防御策略分析
The Offensive and Defensive Strategies around Mobile Operating Systems over Patents %A 耿嘉伟 %A 蔡恒进 %A 李莉 %J Emergence and Transfer of Wealth %P 38-45 %@ 2165-6398 %D 2013 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ETW.2013.33007 %X
本文从苹果公司控诉三星电子和谷歌公司收购摩托罗拉移动技术公司两大案例出发,分析了围绕iOS操作系统的厂商的进攻性策略与围绕Android操作系统的厂商的防御性策略,指出利用专利池作为杠杆来争夺市场已经成为现代市场竞争的基本做法。本文也提出了中国新兴手机厂商参与到国际竞争的策略选择。<br/>In this paper, both the offensive strategy of the iOS manufacturers and the defensive one of the Android ones are analyzed, based on two significant cases which are the accusation between Apple and Samsung, and the acquisition between Google and Motorola. It is shown that a “patent pool” served as a lev-erage has become widely used in fighting for the competitive market. The issue of strategy selection for Chi-nese mobile enterprises, especially the newly developing ones, is discussed, too.

%K 手机专利;移动操作系统;软件专利;市场竞争
Mobile Phone Patents %K Mobile Operating System %K Software Patents %K Market Competition %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=12443