%0 Journal Article %T 2002~2009年上海市死亡人群高血压患者特征分析
Characteristics Analysis of Mortality in Hypertensive from 2002 to 2009 in Shanghai %A 虞慧婷 %A 宋桂香 %A 王春芳 %J Asian Case Reports in Vascular Medicine %P 21-27 %@ 2326-3504 %D 2013 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ACRVM.2013.24005 %X
Objective: To discover the risk factors and trend of hypertensive in Shanghai during 2002-2009 so as to provide evidences for hypertension prevention and treatment. Methods: Analyze the death monitoring data of the whole population in Shanghai to discover the trend of the proportion variation of hypertensive in all death over time, and to discover the characters among different population. Results: Multi-factor Logistic regression analysis shows that the proportion of hypertensive in death of Shanghai population is increasing year by year. The risk of hypertension in people of secondary and lower education is higher than those of universities and higher education. There are inter- actions with age and sex, age and living area, age and marital status. Conclusions: In recent years, the risk of hyper- tension in Shanghai is higher and higher. It is necessary to strengthen the risk management of hypertension in young people, less educated population and urban population.

%K 高血压;死因监测;人群特征
Hypertensive %K Death Registry %K Crowd Characteristics %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=12652