%0 Journal Article %T 环境磷形态分析中的磷-31核磁共振技术
31-P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (31P-NMR) in Environmental Phosphorus Analysis %A 陆瑾 %A 王海文 %A 郝红 %A 高博 %A 贾建丽 %J Hans Journal of Soil Science %P 15-20 %@ 2329-7263 %D 2013 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/HJSS.2013.13004 %X 磷-31核磁共振(31P-NMR)技术因可以增强研究者对环境中磷素组分信息的认识而广受关注。本文综述了该技术在环境磷素形态表征方面的研究成果,对31P-NMR技术的原理、样品制备方法及分析流程进行了系统阐述。环境样品的制备过程(包括样品前处理方法、提取时间、提取剂比例、样品浓缩方法等)对检测结果的精密度和准确度具有显著影响。论文同时综述了该技术在土壤、湖泊、海洋及湿地磷循环等研究领域的研究成果,并对该技术未来的研究及应用重点进行了展望,旨在为环境磷形态分析中的核磁共振技术的发展应用以及标准化研究提供借鉴。
Due to its advantages in improving our knowledge about the P fractions in environmental samples, the 31-P nuclear magnetic resonance (31P-NMR) technology has received extensive attention. This paper summarized the current studies on the characterization of P fractions in sediments by using this technology, and described the technical principles, sample preparation method and analytical procedures of this technol- ogy. The preparation procedures of environmental samples have a significant influence on the accuracy and precision of testing results, including determination of sample pretreatment, extraction time, sample to ex- traction ratio and concentration method. The specific application fields of this technology were also summa- rized in this paper. 31P-NMR technology has been applied in the field of Soil, Lake, Ocean, Wetland, and has made a number of achievements. Some future research focuses were expected in this paper in order to pro- vide theoretic support for the development and application as well as standardization of 31P-NMR technology in the future. %K 31P-NMR;磷;形态分析;环境
31P-NMR %K Phosphorus %K Morphological Analysis %K Environment %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=12504