%0 Journal Article %T 电网舞动区域分布图自动绘制方法与应用研究
Research on Automatic Drawing Method and Application of Power Grid Galloping Region Distribution Map %A 黄俊杰 %A 阮羚 %A 马黎莉 %A 方贤才 %J Transmission and Distribution Engineering and Technology %P 1-6 %@ 2325-1573 %D 2014 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/TDET.2014.31001 %X 本研究以国家电网《舞动区域分级标准与舞动分布图绘制规则》为依据,将舞动区域分布图的绘制算法和流程采用计算建模来自动实现,并分析了舞动区域分布图在指导输电线路绝缘子选型和差异化防舞设计与改造中的具体应用,为输电线路绝缘子的选型提供参考依据,对实现差异化的防舞设计与改造具有重要的指导作用
In this study, based on the State Grid Galloping Regional Grading Standards and Dancing Plotting Rule, the galloping regional distribution map algorithm and the process are automatically implemented using calculate model, and the regional distribution of the specific application of anti-galloping design and renovation of dance in the guidance of transmission line insulator selection and differentiation are analyzed, providing the reference for the selection of transmission line insulator and playing an important role in guiding the anti-galloping design and transformation to realize differentiation.
%K 舞动区域分布图;自动绘制;绝缘子选型;差异化防舞设计与改造
Galloping Region Distribution Map %K Automatic Drawing %K Selection of the Insulator %K Anti-Galloping Design and Modification %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=13268