%0 Journal Article %T 中国盐碱地改良利用技术研究进展及未来趋势
Progress in Techniques of Improvement and Utilization of Saline-Alkali Land in China and Its Future Trend %A 杨真 %A 王宝山 %J Open Journal of Soil and Water Conservation %P 1-11 %@ 2334-3435 %D 2014 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJSWC.2014.21001 %X

Soil salinization has become a worldwide problem. Saline-alkali landofChinais characterized by extensive distribution and large area. Moreover, the degree of soil salinization is becoming more serious in cultivated land. As the population of China increases and cultivated land is degraded, to improve and utilize saline-alkali land reasonably is of great significance and importance. This paper summarizes the application, effect and the advantage and disadvantage of techniques in improving saline-alkali land, including water conservancy measures, physical measures, chemical measures and biological measures. Biological measure is discussed in detail and considered as the most economical and effective way to improve saline-alkali land. In the future, comprehensive strategy which integrates water conservancy measures, physical measures, chemical measures and biological measures, and adjusts these measures to local conditions should be used to improve and utilize saline-alkali land.

%K 盐碱地,改良利用,研究进展,未来趋势
Saline-Alkali Land %K Improvement and Utilization %K Progress %K Future Trend %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=13508