%0 Journal Article %T 黏度对不同渗透率稠油油藏流体渗流特征的影响
Influence of Viscosity on Fluid Percolation Characteristic in Different Permeability Heavy Oil Reservoirs %A 龙运前 %A 朱维耀 %A 徐洋 %A 宋付权 %A 韩宏彦 %J Advances in Porous Flow %P 42-49 %@ 2164-5663 %D 2014 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/APF.2014.42005 %X

The viscosity abnormality caused by the asphaltenes and resins in heavy oil reflects the characteristics of heavy oil reservoirs and has very important influence on seepage rule of heavy oil. The oil samples containing different heavy oil ratio were prepared. The rheological properties of different viscosity oil sample and its flow characteristics in porous media were experimentally studied by the rheometer and the core displacement device. The effects of viscosity to percolation characteristic of heavy oil were analyzed in detail. The results show the non-Newtonian seepage characteristic of oil samples in porous media enhances with increasing the proportion of heavy oil in the oil samples. The smaller the permeability of the porous media, the non-Newtonian behavior of oil samples is more obvious. As the heavy oil ratio increases, the relative permeability of water increases rapidly and the oil relative permeability decreases sharply which become worse at the oil recovery effect. The influence on relative permeability of fluids in the lower permeability cores is more than high permeability ones. The water cut increases rapidly in the produced fluids with increasing the proportion of heavy oil in the oil sample. The lower the permeability of the cores, the water cut with recovery percent increases more rapidly.

%K 黏度,稠油油藏,渗流特征,两相渗流,驱油效率
Viscosity %K Heavy Oil Reservoirs %K Percolation Characteristic %K Two-Phase Seepage %K Oil Displacement Efficiency %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=13684