%0 Journal Article %T 矿井工作面采用分装分运系统提高煤质的研究
Research of Mine Working Face by Repackaging Shipment Systems to Improve the Coal Quality %A 贾岳 %A 张宏耀 %A 朱殿瑞 %J Clean Coal and Energy %P 25-28 %@ 2334-3516 %D 2014 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/CCE.2014.23005 %X
本文介绍华晋项目综合部矿井工作面推进时面临超大陷落柱,采用分装分运系统提高煤质的新方法,并分析了之前采用重新送巷缩短工作面长度的方法的局限性,通过分析得知:采用分装分运系统能够高效率的保证原煤质量,并快速通过陷落柱。<br/>The paper introduced the new method the General Affairs Department of the Huajin Project used when the mine work faced a large collapse column while the mine working face was advancing. The paper also analyzed the limitations of the former method to re-send the lane to shorten the length of the working face. The simulation results showed that the repackaging shipment system could efficiently ensure the quality of the raw coal and quickly pass through the collapse column.
%K 超大陷落柱,分装分运系统,提高煤质,重新送巷
Large Collapse Column %K Repackaging Shipment System %K Improve Coal Quality %K Back Alley %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=14121