%0 Journal Article %T 巨大肾素瘤临床病理学观察一例报告
Clinical Pathological Observation of Giant Reninoma of Kidney: One Case Report %A 邢传平 %A 史敏 %J Asian Case Reports in Oncology %P 37-40 %@ 2169-883X %D 2014 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ACRPO.2014.34008 %X
Objective: To elucidate the morphologic features and diagnostic evidence of reninoma of kidney. Methods: The clinic features of the patient were reviewed and the histopathological and ultra-structural features were observed by immunohistochemistry, light and electron microscopes. Re-sults: The patient showed severe renal hypertention and severe heart failure. Under light micro-scope, the tumor showed active proliferation, remarkable heterokaryosis with hyperchromatic, irregular outline and pleomorphic nuclear and more mitosis. The tumor cells showed invasive growth and massive necrosis. Under electron microscope, many dispersed and multitudinous round or diamond granules were seen in the cytoplasm of the tumor cells. Conclusion: The tumor is a kind of endocrine tumor and is considered to be juxtaglomerular call origin. The immunohistochemical results of the reported case suggest that the tumor origin is associated with neuroendocrine and endothelium of vascular. The hypertention-related symptoms disappear after operation and the prognosis of the patient is well. The correct diagnosis needs to unite the light and electron microscopes observation.

%K 肾素瘤,免疫组化,超微结构
Reninoma %K Immunohistochemistry %K Ultra Microstructure %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=14252