%0 Journal Article %T 人类学视角下的基督教教派分立问题研究—以云南省昆明市富民县芭蕉箐苗族地区为例
Research on the Separation of Christian from the Perspective of Anthropology—Take the Bajiaoqing Village in Miao Ethnic Group of Fumin County of Kunming City, Yunnan Province as an Example %A 于劭岩 %A 白雪 %J Modern Anthropology %P 29-34 %@ 2331-0294 %D 2014 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MA.2014.24004 %X
本文是对云南昆明市富民县的一个苗族村落的基督教信仰进行的人类学调查及研究。通过调查发现,芭蕉菁几乎全民信教,基督教已经在此深深地扎根。在芭蕉菁,无论是宗教信仰还是人生礼仪、民间文艺或是闲暇生活都充满着基督教的文化因素,影响着芭蕉箐苗族同胞的世界观、价值观、人生观。但是2007年起当地的基督教分化为“集体教会(三自教会)”及“家庭教会”。两个组织分庭抗礼,本文通过田野调查等方法,坚持价值无涉的原则,对芭蕉箐基督教的分裂进行了深入调查并梳理、分析,从而明确了基督教作为一个宗教组织对芭蕉箐地区的集体行动方式及经济等方面的巨大影响。<br/>Abstract: Based on the anthropological survey, this thesis carries out the research on the Christian faith in a Miao village named Bajiaoqing in Fumin county of Kunming city, Yunnan Province. According to the research, Christianity enjoys great popularity in the village and it has already deeply rooted in the lives of the most. In Bajiaoqing, the Christian-related cultural factors are prevalent in the lives of villagers, not only their religious faith but ritual, folk culture and art and their leisure activities, which exert great influence on their outlooks on world, value and life. However, in 2007 the local Christianity is divided into two different parts with equal influence, namely the “collective church (three-self church)” and the “family church”. Under this circumstance, this thesis, using the field research and adhered to the value free principle, carries out the in-depth analysis on the separation of Christianity in Bajiaoqing so as to make clear the great influence of Christianity as a religious organization on its collective action and economic as well.
%K 芭蕉箐,集体教会,家庭教会,经济
Bajiaoqing %K Collective Church %K Family Church %K Economy %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=14266