%0 Journal Article %T 从成员中心性探究虚拟社会网络中成员传播力的形成机制
A Study on the Formation Mechanism of Dissemination Force in Virtual Social Network from the Angle of Node Centrality %A 孙培翔 %A 彭捷 %J Emergence and Transfer of Wealth %P 49-55 %@ 2165-6398 %D 2014 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ETW.2014.44007 %X
文章从成员中心性的角度对虚拟社会网络中成员传播力的形成机制进行了探究,通过社会网络分析和Tobit回归,结论表明:成员的度中心性(粉丝关注数量)和桥中心性(占据网络最短路径的数量)正向促进其网络传播力;接近中心性(网络中成员距其他成员物理位置的远近)则对传播力无影响。理论上,文章明确了成员所占据的网络结构位置和资源在很大程度上决定了其传播力;实践上,我们可以根据成员的网络中心性来更好地挖掘和识别网络领袖,从而发挥其传播力来进行网络营销。<br/>This study investigates the formation mechanism of dissemination force and the influence models of nodes’ network centrality in the virtual social network. Combining the Social Network Analysis and Tobit regression, we find that: 1) both a node’s degree centrality and betweenness centrality have a positive impact on its dissemination force; 2) the closeness centrality didn’t. For theory contribution, we have a clever understand of the source of member’ dissemination force and the various influence models of different node centralities in virtual social network. For practice contribution, different kinds of opinion leaders can be distinguished according to different centralities in a more accurate way, so that we can make a more effective use of their dissemination force in network marketing.
%K 虚拟社会网络,中心性,传播力,意见领袖,网络营销
Virtual Social Network %K Node Centrality %K Dissemination Force %K Opinion Leaders %K Network Marketing %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=14565