%0 Journal Article %T 四喷嘴水煤浆气化技术在我公司的应用小结
A Summarization of Application of Four-Nozzle Coal Water Slurry Gasification Technology %A 刘政 %J Clean Coal and Energy %P 44-48 %@ 2334-3516 %D 2014 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/CCE.2014.24008 %X
从四喷嘴水煤浆气化装置项目筹建到运行至今,我公司积累了丰富的运行经验:煤种、制浆系统、耐火砖、烧嘴都是决定装置运行优劣的关键。本文重点阐述了我公司气化装置的配置情况、运行情况,对气化的认识以及遇到的一些问题和处理方法。<br/>During the period from preparation to operation up to now of the four-nozzle coal water slurry gasification installation project, we have accumulated rich operating experience. The type of coal, pulping system, firebrick and nozzle are key factors determining the installation operation. This paper focuses on the configuration situation and operation situation of the gasification installation, knowledge of gasification, and the problems and handling methods of them.
%K 四喷嘴,水煤浆,煤气化
Four-Nozzle %K Coal Water Slurry %K Gasification %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=14517