%0 Journal Article %T PM2.5 Chemical Compositions and Aerosol Optical Properties in Beijing during the Late Fall %A Huanbo Wang %A Xinghua Li %A Guangming Shi %A Junji Cao %A Chengcai Li %A Fumo Yang %A Yongliang Ma %A Kebin He %J Atmosphere %P 164-182 %D 2015 %I MDPI AG %R 10.3390/atmos6020164 %X Daily PM 2.5 mass concentrations and chemical compositions together with the aerosol optical properties were measured from 8每28 November 2011 in Beijing. PM 2.5 mass concentration varied from 15.6每237.5 米gˋm ˋ3 and showed a mean value of 111.2 ㊣ 73.4 米gˋm ˋ3. Organic matter, NH 4NO 3 and (NH 4) 2SO 4 were the major constituents of PM 2.5, accounting for 39.4%, 15.4%, and 14.9% of the total mass, respectively, while fine soil, chloride salt, and elemental carbon together accounted for 27.7%. Daily scattering and absorption coefficients (考 sc and 考 ap) were in the range of 31.1每667 Mm ˋ1 and 8.24每158.0 Mm ˋ1, with mean values of 270 ㊣ 200 Mm ˋ1 and 74.3 ㊣ 43.4 Mm ˋ1. Significant increases in 考 sc and 考 ap were observed during the pollution accumulation episodes. The revised IMPROVE algorithm was applied to estimate the extinction coefficient (b ext). On average, organic matter was the largest contributor, accounting for 44.6% of b ext, while (NH 4) 2SO 4, NH 4NO 3, elemental carbon, and fine soil accounted for 16.3% 18.0%, 18.6%, and 2.34% of b ext, respectively. Nevertheless, the contributions of (NH 4) 2SO 4 and NH 4NO 3 were significantly higher during the heavy pollution periods than those on clean days. Typical pollution episodes were also explored, and it has been characterized that secondary formation of inorganic compounds is more important than carbonaceous pollution for visibility impairment in Beijing. %K PM2.5 %K visibility %K aerosol optical properties %K chemical composition %U http://www.mdpi.com/2073-4433/6/2/164