%0 Journal Article %T Concept of Dividend Irrelevance Theory %A Sanjay Shrestha %J Academic Voices: A Multidisciplinary Journal %P 46-49 %D 2013 %R 10.3126/av.v3i1.9988 %X This Article states that dividend policy does not affect the value of the firm. Their argument is that stack holderĄ¯s wealth is unaffected whether corporate profits are distributed or retained in the business. Their reasoning is that under an efficient market condition, a firmĄ¯s value is determined by its potential earning power and it does not affect the decision on how profits are to be split between dividends and retained earning. Therefore, as per M-M theory a firmĄ¯s value is independent of dividend policy. %K Dividend policy %K Market value per share %K Investment Policy %K Cost of equity %K No. of New shares %U http://www.nepjol.info/nepal/index.php/AV/article/view/9988