%0 Journal Article %T Interleukin-1 involved in Apoptosis of Beta-Thalassemia/Hemoglobin E Erythroid Progenitor Cells %A Umesh Prasad Gupta %A Pranee Fucharoen %A Dalina I Tanyong %J Asian Journal of Medical Sciences %P 8-14 %D 2012 %I Asian Journal of Medical Sciences Pokhara %R 10.3126/ajms.v3i4.6805 %X Objective: The major pathophysiological features of ¦Â-thalassemia are anemia and ineffective erythropoiesis. Ineffective erythropoiesis has been shown by an intense marrow erythroid hyperplasia and increased apoptosis during basophilic to orthochromatic normoblast stages. Some cytokines like interferon-¦Ã (IFN-¦Ã), tumor necrosis factor ¦Á (TNF-¦Á) and interleukin-1 (IL-1) have been found to involved in apoptosis. Although the pro-apoptotic activity of IFN-¦Ã and TNF-¦Á is well documented, there are only few studies on IL-1, especially on erythroid lineage. In this in vitro study, the role of cytokine IL-1¦Á and IL-1¦Â in apoptosis of erythroid progenitor cells from ¦Â- thalassemia/HbE patients was assessed. %K Ineffective erythropoiesis %K apoptosis %K IL-1 %K beta-thalassemia %K HbE %U http://nepjol.info/index.php/AJMS/article/view/6805