%0 Journal Article %T A Review on Mechanical & Physical Hazards at Domestic Kitchen %A Jaita Mondal %J International Journal of Occupational Safety and Health %P 7-10 %D 2012 %R 10.3126/ijosh.v2i1.5920 %X Kitchen is one of the most important aspects in our life. We wait eagerly for the delicious foodstuffs of our kitchenette. However, many simple but repetitive kitchen activities can be a threat to our health. Such as peeling potatoes, chopping, and picking up heavy pots and kettles, overstretching to reach to utensils or ingredients etc. can cause or aggravate pain & discomfort in hand, wrist, elbow, shoulder and neck (Physical hazards). £¿Musculoskeletal problems are not only the one, but various accidents also happen in domestic kitchen (Mechanical Hazards). Traumatic and repetitive injuries related to kitchen tasks include lacerations, cut, slips & falls, tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, thermal strains, burn etc.£¿ Those menaces generally occur due to poor ergonomics, as poor work practices, poor quality equipment and poorly maintained equipment. %K Domestic kitchen %K Physical hazards %K Mechanical hazards %U http://www.nepjol.info/nepal/index.php/IJOSH/article/view/5920