%0 Journal Article %T Injury Epidemiology: The Neglected Chapter %A Ranabir Pal %J Nepal Journal of Epidemiology %P 216-218 %D 2012 %I International Nepal Epidemiological Association (INEA) %R 10.3126/nje.v2i4.7825 %X Injuries are the significant public health problem and posing as the mounting global crisis upsetting families and communities across population levels. We need a multidisciplinary approach embedded in injury surveillance. A sensitization revolution is vital at all the health care levels to gather critical strength of dedicated personnel in the field of research in injury intervention. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/nje.v2i4.7825 Nepal Journal of Epidemiology Vol.2(4) 2012 pp.216-218 %U http://www.nepjol.info/index.php/NJE/article/view/7825