%0 Journal Article %T Critical Analysis of Cervical and Endometrial Biopsy Specimens %A Rajesh Panth %A Dibya Shree Malla %J Medical Journal of Shree Birendra Hospital %P 23-28 %D 2013 %I Nepalese Army Medical Corps %R 10.3126/mjsbh.v12i1.9088 %X Introduction: This is a retrospective study done in cervical and endometrial biopsy specimens received in the pathology department of Shree Birendra Hospital over a period of one year from 14th April, 2011 to 13th April, 2012. The aims of this study were to analyze the histological findings of cervical and endometrial biopsies and to identify activities needed to critically evaluate these specimens. %K biopsy %K cervix %K endometrium. %U http://www.nepjol.info/index.php/MJSBH/article/view/9088