%0 Journal Article %T 水通道蛋白生理学功能的研究进展
The Physiological Functions of Aquaporins %A 耿晓强 %A 杨宝学 %J Journal of Physiology Studies %P 19-32 %@ 2330-1600 %D 2014 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JPS.2014.24004 %X
水通道蛋白是介导水跨细胞膜转运的膜整合蛋白,可以高选择性地通透水并且对体内水的转运发挥调控作用。对于水通道蛋白的研究经历了从发现到结构、功能的探索,研究结果表明水通道蛋白在机体多个组织器官都有表达,发挥重要的生理作用,包括肾脏的尿浓缩功能、外分泌腺的分泌功能、大脑水合功能、神经信号传导和新陈代谢等,水通道基因突变与某些疾病的发生发展有关。因此,研究水通道蛋白的生理功能可为阐明相关疾病的发病机制和确定药物靶点提供新的思路。本文就近年来水通道蛋白的生理学研究进展予以综述。<br/>The aquaporins (AQPs) are a family of 13 small hydrophobic integral transmembrane water channel proteins involved in transcellular and transepithelial water movement and fluid transport. The study of aquaporins has experienced from discovery to the exploration of their physiological functions. It has been found that aquaporins are expressed in various tissues and organs and they have different physiological functions, including urine concentration, exocrine gland secretion, hydration of brain, transduction of neuronal signaling and metabolism. The studies on aquaporins can provide novel ideas to the mechanism and therapy of related diseases. This review article dis-cusses the recent researches on the physiological functions of AQPs in different tissues and organs.
%K AQP,膜整合蛋白,水通道,水转运
Aquaporin %K Integral Transmembrane Protein %K Water Channel %K Water Transport %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=14801