%0 Journal Article %T 500 kV智能变电站网络构架及信号源配置方案研究
Investigation of Network Structure and Signal Source Allocation Scheme for 500 kV Smart Substation %A 谭建成 %A 李妍 %A 李海生 %A 刘彬 %J Transmission and Distribution Engineering and Technology %P 11-19 %@ 2325-1573 %D 2015 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/TDET.2015.41002 %X
借鉴桂林500 kV变电站智能间隔挂网运行经验,考虑500 kV电压等级的可靠性要求及全站智能化时信息流量,提出一个适用于500 kV保护控及SCADA预警信息传输的智能变电站网络构架及信号源配置方案,具有以下特点:1) 电流电压互感器及SIUS的配置考虑信号的冗余需求。2) 过程总线采用代理服务器点对点直连方案,智能接口单元和间隔层保护控制设备光缆网络直联,简单直观。3) 站控层的通讯构架采用并行冗余/快速生成树冗余(PRP/RSTP)的网络方案。该方案具有双重冗余配置,能满足超高压/特高压系统保护测控系统的可靠性和实时性要求,因而特别适用于500 kV电压等级及以上的变电站。<br/>Studying the lessons and experience gained from 500 kV Smart Guilin Substation, considering the reliability requirements of protection and control systems at 500 kV voltage level, a smart substa-tion LAN architecture is proposed in the paper, along with a data source allocation plan. The pro-posed solution is of the following features: 1) Redundant signals sources design from Smart Inter-face Units (SIUs) that installed close to conventional or electronic instrument transformers; 2) Proxy server & point-to-point process buses connecting SIUs to protection & control devices; 3) A PRP/RSTP enabled substation LAN transporting SCADA alarms, time synchronization signals and remote access data over a single substation LAN. Full scope redundancy for protection & control applications is achieved via optimal allocation of measurement data sources. The proposed archi-tecture and data source allocation plan is able to meet the time stringent mission critical protection schemes requirement at 500 kV voltage level.
%K 智能变电站,过程总线,变电站总线,采样值,GOOSE,双重冗余
Smart Substation %K Process Bus %K Station Bus %K Sampled Value Stream %K GOOSE %K Parallel Redundancy %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=15146