%0 Journal Article %T 强电磁防护技术研究进展
Analysis of the research development on HPM/EMP protection %A 刘培国 %A 刘晨曦 %A 谭剑锋 %A 董雁飞 %A 易波 %J Chinese Journal of Ship Research %P 2-6 %@ 1673-3185 %D 2015 %I Hans Publishing %X 高功率微波武器是现代战场上极具杀伤性的攻击手段。针对现代武器装备的强电磁防护问题,通过介绍高功率微波武器及防护研究发展进程,结合传统电磁防护方法,分析电磁自适应防护、微波加固和硬件演化等前沿技术手段,从电路防护和空间防护的角度出发,论述射频电磁防护单元、皮秒级电磁脉冲抑制器件、频率选择表面等强电磁防护器件和装置的研究成果以及强电磁防护的新材料 ,并从系统综合防护、设备潜在失效性、强电磁防护标准3个方面对强电磁防护技术的发展给出相应的建议。
High power microwave(HPM)and electromagnetic pulse(EMP) weapons both are highly lethal weapons in modern warfare. In order to protect modern weaponry against HPM/EMP attack, frontier technologies and methods such as adaptive electromagnetic protection, microwave reinforcement, and evolvable hardware are reviewed in this paper, where conventional protection methods are first described based on the development process of HPM/EMP weaponry and the protection research. Research achievements such as radio frequency electromagnetic protection units, picosecond EMP suppression device, and frequency selective surface are summarized, with new protection materials being presented in the end. Also, suggestions are given for the future development direction of HPM/EMP protection technology from the perspective of systematic protection, potential loss of effectiveness of equipment, as well as the standard on HPM/EMP protection.
%K 高功率微波,防护,器件,装置,材料,综述
high power microwave (HPM) %K protection %K device %K equipment %K material %K review %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=15206