%0 Journal Article %T 电子设备和系统射频通道高功率微波电磁脉冲场—路综合防护方法综述
Overview of the HPM field-circuit integrated protection methods for electronic equipment and system RF-channels %A 郑生全 %A 邓峰 %A 王冬冬 %A 侯冬云 %A 刘培国 %J Chinese Journal of Ship Research %P 7-14 %@ 1673-3185 %D 2015 %I Hans Publishing %X 高功率微波电磁脉冲辐射可以通过多种耦合途径进入敏感电子设备和系统,导致严重的干扰、扰乱甚至损坏,特别是通过天线耦合进入射频通道的电磁脉冲会破坏敏感器件。给出几种针对天线耦合的空间电磁脉冲场防护以及电路中敏感器件的电磁脉冲路防护新方法,探讨敏感系统的电磁脉冲场—路综合防护设计方法。利用专门设计的防护表面和防护模块,分别在天线前端对空间的电磁脉冲场和天线后端电路中的电磁脉冲电压或电流进行抑制,保护电路中的敏感模块免遭损坏,增加的场—路综合防护对工作信号的衰减控制在允许的范围之内。通过原理样件的测试表明,防护方法对带内和带外的高功率微波电磁脉冲具有良好的防护效果。
High power microwave electromagnetic pulse radiation may easily be coupled with sensitive electronic equipments and systems through different entrances, resulting in disturbance, break down, or even destruction. Worse still, when the pulse is coupled with antennas, sensitive devices could be destroyed while the pulse enters into RF channels. in this paper, several new protection methods for antennas against space electromagnetic pulse radiation field as well as for sensitive devices in circuit against high pulse voltage or current are investigated. Moreover, the field-circuit integrated with the above protection design methods are proposed. Protection surfaces and modules which lie at the front and rearward of antennas are specially designed to restrain the space electromagnetic pulse field and voltage or current on the circuit, thus protecting sensitive modules from damage. Meanwhile, the attenuation for the operating signal within the circuit is controlled in an allowable range. For validation, samples tests are conducted, indicating that the proposed methods provide descent protection for both in-band and out-band high power microwave electromagnetic pulse.
%K 高功率微波,电磁脉冲,电磁防护,敏感电子系统,综述
high power microwave(HPM) %K electromagnetic pulse %K electromagnetic protection %K sensitive electronic system %K overview %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=15207