%0 Journal Article %T 即时检测试纸内渗流理论及流动控制研究进展
State-of-Art Advances in Liquid Penetration Theory and Flow Control in Paper for Paper-Based Diagnosis %A 冯上升 %A 陈玧如 %A 卢天健 %A 徐峰 %J Advances in Porous Flow %P 16-29 %@ 2164-5663 %D 2015 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/APF.2015.52003 %X
纸是由纤维素层状无序排布构成的多孔介质。近年来,检测试纸和纸基微流控芯片在疾病诊断、水污染和食品安全的快速检测中的应用受到人们广泛关注。纸内的渗流规律对于解释检测结果和提高检测的准确度和灵敏度都具有重要意义。本文概述了纸内渗流理论的研究进展,包括宏观毛细渗流及孔隙结构内微观渗流,并介绍了纸内流动的控制方法极其对检测试纸和纸基微流控芯片检测效果的影响。<br/>Paper is composed of cellulosic fibers forming the planar net work structure where the positions, orientations of the fibers are random. Recently, paper based detection platforms (e.g., microfluidics, lateral flow assays) have found widespread applications in diagnosis and monitoring of diseases, environment pollution, food safety, etc. How to explain the detecting results in paper-based diagnose and how to improve the sensitivity of the detecting are all related to an insight into the liquid penetration in the paper. This paper presents the state-of-art advances in the theory for both macroscopical and pore-scale liquid penetration in paper. The flow control methods of liquid flow in paper integrated into LFAs and microfluidic chips are also introduced, along with their effects on the efficiency of paper-based diagnosis.
%K 纸基微流控芯片,检测试纸,渗流,流动控制
Paper-Based Microfluidic Chip %K Diagnosis %K Porous Flow %K Flow Control %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=15414