%0 Journal Article %T Altered Oncogene Activity Contributes to Compensation for Antisense Suppression of Bcl-2 and Tumor Resistance %A Marvin Rubenstein %A Courtney M. P. Hollowell %A Patrick Guinan %J Open Journal of Apoptosis %P 62-70 %@ 2168-3840 %D 2015 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojapo.2015.43007 %X Antisense oligonucleotides (oligos) have targeted growth regulatory proteins in prostate cancer models. To identify compensatory alterations in the expression of non-targeted genes we evaluate mono- and bispecific oligos targeting and equally suppressing the expression of the apoptosis inhibitory protein bcl-2. Bcl-2 is chosen because oligos directed towards it have entered clinical trials to restore apoptosis in cancer patients. Treated LNCaP cells compensate for the diminished bcl-2 by suppressing caspase-3 (an apoptosis promoter) while enhancing expression of AKT-1 (another apoptosis inhibitor), androgen receptor (AR) and its (p300 and IL-6) coactivators. Additional proteins are enhanced including PD-1, its ligand PD-L1 (immune checkpoint blockade markers) and fas-ligand, which activate apoptosis through the signal transduction, along with suppressor protein p53, polymerase transcription mediator MED-12 and signal transducer STAT-3. These alterations in expression may contribute to a greatly enhanced expression of the proliferation marker KI-67. This suggests that therapeutic approaches to restore apoptosis through suppression of bcl-2 lead to an altered expression in non-targeted genes involving apoptosis, androgen sensitivity, transcriptional activity and immune responsiveness, leads to an increase in proliferation (and a more androgen driven aggressive phenotype). In this study we evaluate the expression of two oncogenes (v-myc and K-ras) and find a large and significant enhancement of v-myc activity, which is produced by oligos targeting bcl-2 at the 5กฏ position. For K-ras, although significant suppression is produced by the bispecific targeting bcl-2 at the 3กฏ position, the percent change is relatively small compared with other compensatory alterations we have measured, and much less than in v-myc. Therefore, for the two oncogenes being evaluated, only increased v-myc activity is probably large enough to contribute to increased tumor aggressiveness in compensation for bcl-2 suppression. %K Antisense Oligonucleotides %K Prostate Cancer %K Bcl-2 %K Gene Compensation %K Therapy %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=58175