%0 Journal Article %T 社会支持对促进妇女就业的文献综述
The Effect of Social Support in Promoting Women’s Employment: Literature Review %A 杨慧 %J Modern Anthropology %P 43-48 %@ 2331-0294 %D 2015 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MA.2015.33006 %X
文章回顾了计划经济时期国家、政府和用人单位对妇女就业的社会支持及相关国际经验,并对于实施单独二孩政策的配套措施、促进男女平衡工作家庭进行了研究展望。<br/>It was reviewed that governments and employers provided several kinds of social support to promote women’s employment during the Planned Economy Period of China. Relevant international experiences on women’s employment were reviewed, too. At the end of this literature review, the implement of supporting measures of the policy that either parent who is the only child can bear two children and the methods to promote men and women to balance the work and the family were forecasted.
%K 单独二孩,社会支持,妇女就业
Either Parent Who Is the Only Child Can Bear Two Children %K Social Support %K Women’s Employment %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=15735