%0 Journal Article %T 副溶血弧菌噬菌体基因组研究进展
Recent Advance in Genomes of Vibrio parahaemolyticus Bacteriophages %A 赵江涛 %J QianRen Biology %P 39-45 %@ 2375-3323 %D 2015 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/QRB.2015.23005 %X
Vibrio parahaemolyticus (VP) is a halophilic vibrio strain; it mainly exists in the coast sea water, the junction of river and sea, and the seafood. It is the most common food poisoning pathogenic bacteria in the coastal areas of China. Food (especially seafood) that not properly treated may contain large number of VP, resulting in food poisoning. VP can cause gastroenteritis, wound in-fection and septicemia. Most importantly, the emergence of multiple drug resistant VP has greatly threatened human health and caused a severe challenge to the treatment of antibiotics. Bacteriophage therapy is considered as an alternative way of controlling bacterial infections and contaminations. Recognition and analysis of genome structure and genes function are the required steps before bacteriophages can be approved as therapeutic agents. Up to date, there are many reports of VP phages’ genomes; this paper summarizes the latest progress in recent years, focusing on a review on the genomic features of Vibrio parahaemolyticus bacteriophage.

%K 副溶血弧菌,噬菌体治疗,基因组
Vibrio parahaemolyticus %K Bacteriophage Therapy %K Genome %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=15863