%0 Journal Article %T 露天矿山车辆的安全管理
The Safety Management of the Vehicle in Surface Mine %A 杜德军 %J Journal of Security and Safety Technology %P 19-23 %@ 2330-4685 %D 2015 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JSST.2015.33004 %X
The economic benefit and long-term development will be seriously affected by the safety man-agement of the vehicle in surface mine. Applying safety management model and analyzing from three aspects of personnel, vehicle and environment, this paper introduces security awareness training, standardized inspection, closed-loop management, technology upgrading, information technology and some other key works, starting from the major work of vehicle safety management. The paper also provides related safety precaution of the mine vehicle, so as to prolong the life cycle of the mine vehicle.
%K 矿山车辆,人员管控,信息化技术,安全管理模型
Mine Vehicle %K Personnel Management and Control %K Information Technology %K Safety Management Model %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=15980