%0 Journal Article %T STATUS AND PRACTICES FOR MANAGING CONSTRUCTION WASTE IN THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA %A Konstantin Tasov %A Ventsislav Stoyanov %J MEST Journal %P 110-117 %@ 2334-7058 %D 2015 %R 10.12709/mest. %X This report discusses the need for construction and demolition waste management aimed at preserving the environment. It points out the need for waste management in the country based on practices adopted in the European Union. The report makes an analysis of the current state of construction and demolition waste management in the Republic of Bulgaria. It points out the existing practices of collection and transportation of construction and demolition waste. It also points out practices with negative effect on these processes. The report identifies specific characteristics of construction and demolition waste management. Along with solutions to problems with environmental protection, the report underscores the need for understanding and application of the social and economic opportunities that underlie effective construction and demolition waste management. The report outlines the major directions for work and the practical actions needed for recycling the construction waste. The report shows the main sources of waste creation from construction and demolition in the Republic of Bulgaria in the upcoming years until 2020. The report lays out in brief the factors that influence and will influence the volume and characteristics of construction and demolition waste. The report identifies the positive changes and effects that should occur as a result of the developed and implemented Strategic Plan for Management of Construction and Demolition Waste in the Republic of Bulgaria for 2011-2020. It points out the expected probable amounts for the different types of construction and demolition waste by 2020. The report identifies the goals of the adopted Ordinance for Management of Construction Waste and Application of Recycled Construction Materials. Favorable legal and economic conditions for the deployment of new technologies for construction waste recycling and recovery are expected as a result of achieving these goals in accordance with the financial situation of the companies and the state. The report draws the conclusion that the implementation of the Strategy and the requirements of the Ordinance will help reduce the negative impact on the environment and stimulate investment in waste management. %K management of natural resources and waste %K construction and demolition waste %K landfilling %K recycling %K reclaiming %K sustainable development %U http://mest.meste.org/MEST_2_2015/6_12.pdf