%0 Journal Article %T Transmission gap, Bragg-like reflection, and Goos-H£¿nchen shifts near the Dirac point inside a negative-zero-positive index metamaterial slab %A Xi Chen %A Li-Gang Wang %A Chun-Fang Li %J Physics %D 2009 %I arXiv %R 10.1103/PhysRevA.80.043839 %X Motivated by the realization of the Dirac point (DP) with a double-cone structure for optical field in the negative-zero-positive index metamaterial (NZPIM), the reflection, transmission, and Goos-H\"{a}nchen (GH) shifts inside the NZPIM slab are investigated. Due to the linear Dirac dispersion, the transmission as the function of the frequency has a gap, thus the correspond reflection has a frequency or wavelength window for the perfect reflection, which is similar to the Bragg reflection in the one-dimensional photonic crystals. Near the DP, the associated GH shifts in the transmission and reflection can be changed from positive to negative with increasing the wavelength. These negative and positive shifts can also be enhanced by transmission resonances, when the frequency is far from that at the DP. All these phenomena will lead to some potential applications in the integrated optics and optical devices. %U http://arxiv.org/abs/0908.3792v1