%0 Journal Article %T Unified Theory of Inertial Granular Flows and Non-Brownian Suspensions %A E. DeGiuli %A G. D¨ıring %A E. Lerner %A M. Wyart %J Physics %D 2014 %I arXiv %R 10.1103/PhysRevE.91.062206 %X Rheological properties of dense flows of hard particles are singular as one approaches the jamming threshold where flow ceases, both for aerial granular flows dominated by inertia, and for over-damped suspensions. Concomitantly, the lengthscale characterizing velocity correlations appears to diverge at jamming. Here we introduce a theoretical framework that proposes a tentative, but potentially complete scaling description of stationary flows. Our analysis, which focuses on frictionless particles, applies {\it both} to suspensions and inertial flows of hard particles. We compare our predictions with the empirical literature, as well as with novel numerical data. Overall we find a very good agreement between theory and observations, except for frictional inertial flows whose scaling properties clearly differ from frictionless systems. For over-damped flows, more observations are needed to decide if friction is a relevant perturbation or not. Our analysis makes several new predictions on microscopic dynamical quantities that should be accessible experimentally. %U http://arxiv.org/abs/1410.3535v3