%0 Journal Article %T 致密油藏分段压裂水平井产能模型研究
A Study on Production Analysis Model of Multi-Fractured Horizontal Wells in Tight Oil Reservoirs %A 赵二猛 %A 尹洪军 %J Advances in Porous Flow %P 31-37 %@ 2164-5663 %D 2015 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/APF.2012.53004 %X
Due to the low permeability and poor reservoir properties in tight oil reservoir, multi-fractured horizontal wells technology have become an efficient way to produce from this kind of unconven-tional reservoirs. A production analysis model of multi-fractured horizontal wells in tight oil re-servoir is established in this paper, the dimension of artificial hydraulic fracture is reduced based on the discrete fracture model, and the solution is obtained by Galerkin finite element method. Eventually, a field example verified the reliability and practicability of the model. The result shows that the production and cumulative production will increase with the producing pressure drop increases, at the same time, too large producing pressure drop will cause the degassing process of oil, so the producing pressure drop should keep a reasonable level in the actual production. The bigger the effective permeability of the matrix is, the greater the production and cumulative pro-duction is. The bigger the conductivity of artificial hydraulic fracture is, the greater the production and cumulative production is, however, the growth rate of production and cumulative production will decrease with the conductivity of artificial hydraulic fracture increases. The results achieved can provide theoretical basis in the study of production analysis for multi-fractured horizontal wells in tight oil reservoirs.
%K 致密油藏,分段压裂水平井,产能模型,有限元,离散裂缝模型
Tight Oil Reservoir %K Multi-Fractured Horizontal Wells %K Production Analysis Model %K Galerkin Finite Element Method %K Discrete Fracture Model %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=16371