%0 Journal Article %T 基于WBS-RBS组合电器GIS SF6气体泄漏的风险辨识
The Risk Identification of SF6 Gas Leakage Based on WBS-RBS %A 王亚运 %A 詹翔灵 %J Transmission and Distribution Engineering and Technology %P 82-86 %@ 2325-1573 %D 2015 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/TDET.2015.44008 %X
Risk identification is very fundamental and important in risk management work. To improve the operation reliability of GIS, doing real-time monitoring and timely maintenance are needed in the running phase, and it is also necessary to control various potential risks in the entire life cycle of GIS. In this paper, taking the SF6 gas leakage for instance, we analyze the risk points which cause the gas leakage in the whole life cycle by WBS-RBS. It can strengthen the attention of the risk points in all aspects. It has a very good theoretical significance in the quality control of GIS.
%K 风险辨识,GIS,WBS-RBS,SF6气体泄漏
Risk Identification %K GIS %K WBS-RBS %K SF6 Gas Leakage %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=16391