%0 Journal Article %T “民族团结”与“民族自决”—对两位少数民族革命领袖民族关系处理模式的比较
“Ethnic Unity” and ”Ethnic Determination”—The Comparative Study of Two Revolution Leaders of Ethnic Minorities %A 袁本罡 %J Modern Anthropology %P 57-61 %@ 2331-0294 %D 2015 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MA.2015.34008 %X
By demonstrating the lives of Wei Baqun and Bapa Phntso Wangye, the two revolution leaders of ethnic minorites before 1949, this article analyses their theories of ethnic relationship. By com-parison, this article deems that these two leaders’ recognition of “ethnic concept” is the key de-termine their methods of dealing ethnic relationship.
%K 民族团结,民族自决,韦拔群,平措汪杰
%U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=16369