%0 Journal Article %T 愿景的传播与实现
A Pattern of History Making: Vision, Education and Actualization %A 汪恺 %A 蔡恒进 %A 曹涛 %J Emergence and Transfer of Wealth %P 29-35 %@ 2165-6398 %D 2015 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ETW.2015.53005 %X
A pattern of history making is proposed by setting forth the concept of self-assertiveness demand. Asset bubbles in the history which are extensively regarded as reflection of the exuberance of human irrationality propel the progress of technology, innovation and various human vision actualization in the following decades finally. The shaping force of vision, education and actualization in history is from human cognition: self-assertiveness demand.
%K 泡沫,历史观,认知,自我肯定需求
Bubble %K History Making %K Cognition %K Self-Assertiveness Demand %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=16866