%0 Journal Article %T Study Nanostructure of a Biomaterial with Medicine Therapeutic Activity %A Maril¨² Ch¨¢vez-Castillo %A Martha Lilia Dom¨ªnguez-Pati£¿o %A Rosa Mar¨ªa Melgoza-Alem¨¢n %J Microscopy Research %P 32-38 %@ 2329-3314 %D 2016 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/mr.2016.42004 %X In Mexico, the medicinal plants have been for used since ancient times and still continue to use by rural populations to treat conditions such as infectious diseases (skin, gastrointestinal or respiratory), metabolics, inflammatory problems, among others. This work includes a proposal that initiates the study and development of new biomaterials or vehicles with therapeutic application. The nanomolecular interaction of the organic extract of a plant (EOV) Distictis buccinatoria (dc) with different materials inert supports of inorganic type (bentonite, gel) determining their and combined anti-inflammatory activity is studied individually [1] [2]. The importance of the characterization of biomaterials by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is ability to analyze the structure on the surface of materials (organic, inorganic and biological) in the micro and nanometrics levels in order to correlate it with the sample surface properties such as roughness, interfacial phenomena, etc. With this technique we can also perform the chemical analysis at different levels (micro and nano) for information on the nature and composition of the materials [3] [4]. The biomaterial shows that higher anti-inflammatory activity is to be generated through the combination of EOV-gel, the nanostructure interaction SEM shows integrated particles agglome-rated form and porous due to the presence of EOV and some flat areas indicated the gel preponderance situation generated by the low interaction between materials of organic type and polar type (gel). %K Biomaterials %K Nanomolecular %K Anti-Inflamatory %K Vehicles %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=65520