%0 Journal Article %T Generalized Electromagnetic Pollution Monitoring Using WSN %A Sara Nouh %A Nada Elgaml %A Nora Ali %A Ahmed Khattab %A Ramez Daoud %A Hassanein Amer %J Wireless Sensor Network %P 85-92 %@ 1945-3086 %D 2016 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/wsn.2016.86009 %X Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) have recently become one of the major research areas in the wireless communication field and are implemented in a variety of applications. One of these applications that will be tackled in this paper is monitoring electromagnetic (EM) pollution that is mostly caused by a variety of wireless devices that we use in our daily life. This paper presents a generic algorithm that uses a WSN to monitor EM hazardous emissions and reports variation caused by four violators. Additionally it calculates the network¡¯s lifetime and simultaneously studies the effect of random parameters and their distributions on the network. Finally the different combinations of the random parameters and the altered distributions are compared together to achieve the combination that can prolong the network¡¯s lifetime. %K WSN %K EM Pollution %K Monitoring %K Random Distribution %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=67241