%0 Journal Article %T Production of Corundum-Mullite Mixture with High Added Value from Raw Materials of Morocco %A S. El Kalakhi %A A. Samdi %A R. Moussa %A M. Gomina %J New Journal of Glass and Ceramics %P 28-36 %@ 2161-7562 %D 2016 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/njgc.2016.63004 %X In search of new mineral raw materials with industrial potential, we identified a deposit located in the southwest of Oujda (in the Northeastern Morocco). The physicochemical analyses indicate that the ore consists mainly of diaspore, topaz and quartz, and also secondary minerals. The presence of topaz in the ore is explained by hydrothermal action on the structure of diaspore. The investigation of structural transformations reveals complex reaction mechanisms that result in a mixture of corundum-mullite at 1200¡æ, which is of great industrial interest. Thus, the peculiarity of this ore is the presence of fluorine and secondary minerals. %K Diaspore %K Topaze %K Corundum %K Mullite %K Structural Transformations %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=67921