%0 Journal Article %T ANALISIS STRATEGI AKUISISI DAN RESTRUKTURISASI DALAM BISNIS PERUSAHAAN %A HELMALIA %J AL-MASRAF : JURNAL LEMBAGA KEUANGAN DAN PERBANKAN %P 49-64 %@ 2528-5637 %D 2016 %X Companies need to develop an appropriate strategy in order to main-tain its presence and improve its performance. One attempt to become a large com-pany and strong is to implement the strategy of acquisi-tions and restructu-ring. The advent of the era of free-market impact on the company's business competition is getting tighter. This condi-tion spur businesses to be con-cerned about the strategy pursued. Even companies continue to attempt to formulate and refine their business strategies in order to win the competition. Acquisition strategy as the dominant means used by companies to de-velop strategies for diversi-fi-cation and at the time of acquisition contributed to the poor perfor-mance, the company may consider the necessity of re-structuring ope-rations. With the acquisition and restructuring strategies that run the company is expected to stabilize the company's business so as to re-duce the risk of the company. %K Acquisitions %K Restructuring %K Business %K Companies %U http://journal.febi.iainimambonjol.ac.id/index.php/almasraf/article/view/30/pdf