%0 Journal Article %T KONSUMSI MENURUT EKONOMI ISLAM DAN KAPITALIS %A ALMIZAN %J AL-MASRAF : JURNAL LEMBAGA KEUANGAN DAN PERBANKAN %P 13-30 %@ 2528-5637 %D 2016 %X Historically the economy of early Islam is far more developed than conven-tional economics. One of the important theory of Islamic and capitalism eco-nomics is related to consumption. In Islamic economics should consumed in order to find Ridha Allah SWT. A conviction and systems that can save the world from the greed of man as homo economicus. However, the rapid eco-nomic progress and the widespread network of conventional capitalism, con-sumption theory of Islam into the unknown in the academic world, especially in everyday life. However, the same progressiveness could bring the world in the unrecoverable and uncontrollable progressiveness. Progressive-power that inherent in the global capitalism has the tendency to lead the world into undetermined, injustice and hegemonic situation. This paper would discover this human¡¯s live. %K Consumption %K Capitalism %K Islamic Economy %U http://journal.febi.iainimambonjol.ac.id/index.php/almasraf/article/view/27/pdf